Publication Fees

To submit a manuscript to the KJL, author(s) must pay an annual fee and a review fee to the LSK. Contributors must deposit the review fee to the LSK bank account. The review fee is 60,000 won per manuscript.

When a paper is published in the KJL, the publication fee must be paid. After a publication decision regarding a manuscript is made, the LSK will notify the author(s) regarding the payment of the publication fee.

  1. If a paper is written with external support and these matters are specified in the article, the costs are 300,000 won for the first 25 pages and 15,000 won per page for the excess.
  2. In other cases, the costs are 100,000 won for the first 20 pages and 15,000 won per page for the excess.
  3. If the contributor is a graduate student, the costs are 50,000 won for the first 20 pages and 15,000 won per page for the excess. In the case of co-authored papers, if at least one author is not a graduate student, the general publication fee must be paid.
  4. The LSK bank account: Kookmin Bank 454101-01-241907 (Account holder: Hyun-Jeong Son, Linguistic Society of Korea)